Top Up

To top up your Ellipsis Balance, you need to follow the PayPal checkout flow to make a transaction with the right parameters with the Ellipsis Drive PayPal account.

The client id of the Ellipsis PayPal account is: Aa-0MSzbq7vWNzbGZgd0o34Mmvitdo5P0XhLpIw6uP6x7DgjuvttTthcr5GFc8ANaJ5ZiOpCRfJTKLpO

You need to create a purchase unit like in the below example. Make sure that the name of the item is 'Ellipsis Balance' and all 'currency_code' are 'EUR' (both case sensitive).

The userId will be the id of your Ellipsis account. totalAmount is the amount you want to top up in cents. The actual amount that will be added to your balance is the amount you paid minus the transaction fees from PayPal.

For example: If [totalAmount] = 1000, it means you will make a payment of 10.00 euros to PayPal. The amount added to your Ellipsis balance will be 10.00 - PayPal fees.

You should receive your balance after a few minutes if the transaction was successful.

purchase_units: [{
          amount: {
            currency_code: "EUR",
            value: [totalAmount]/100,
            breakdown: {
              item_total: { value: [totalAmount]/100, currency_code: 'EUR' }
          items: [
              name: 'Ellipsis Balance',
              unit_amount: { value: 0.01, currency_code: 'EUR'},
              quantity: [totalAmount],
              description: [userId]

Last updated

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