
πŸ‘€ Account

To become a user of Ellipsis Drive, one must have an account with Ellipsis Drive. With an Ellipsis Drive Account, you can do things like store, share and sell spatial data.

🌐 Data

Ellipsis Drive is here to help people share, manage and commercialize spatial data. Spatial data can be raster data, vector data or point cloud data. The words raster, vector and point cloud refer to types of data. Ellipsis Drive uses raster and vector data to refer to data that clients have or may have.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Paths and layers

Any item in Ellipsis Drive is referred to as a path. A path can be a folder, a file, a bookmark or a layer. Folders and files are similar to what you are used to in a regular file system. Layers within Ellipsis Drive are the holders of spatial data. These layers can be of type raster, vector and point cloud.


Raster Layer

A layer created for storing raster data is called a raster layer

Vector Layer

A layer created for storing vector data is called a vector layer

Point cloud

A layer created for storing point cloud data is called a point cloud layer

A bookmark is a reference to the Ellipsis Drive viewer in which one or more layers can be loaded according to a certain style and with a certain view port. Bookmarks are presentation built from the "legos" that are layers.

Vector Layer

A layer created to store vector data is called a vector layer. These vector layers consist of features.

A vector-layer can have one or multiple styles.



A feature is a representation of a real-world object on a map. These features have a geometry that can be a point, multi point, line, multi line, polygon or multi polygon. A feature also has properties containing some non-spatial information. These features can have multiple versions. Users can attach time series and messages to features. A message can have an optional image.


A geometry is used to represent the spatial component of features . The geometry gives some geographical location.


A style defines a colour for the vector based on a set of rules applied to the properties of the vector.


A vector can have properties, these contain the non spatial information of the feature


A timestamp is a container for all vector files belonging to the same date range.

Time series

Time series are sets of triples of date, property and value. They can be added to a feature.


Messages with optional photos can be added to a feature.

Raster Layer

A layer created to store raster data is called a raster layer.



A timestamp is a container for all raster files belonging to the same acquisition time.


Styling method offers the user various options to represent data.


A raster is a stack of 1 or more bands of the same resolution.

Point cloud Layer

A layer created to store point cloud data is called a point cloud layer.



A timestamp is a container for all point cloud files belonging to the same acquisition time.

Ellipsis Layer / External Layer


Ellipsis Layer

A layer hosted within Ellipsis Drive is called an Ellipsis layer. All Ellipsis layers of the same type have the same abstract properties.

External Layer

All layers that are not hosted on Ellipsis Drive, are referred to as external layers.

♻️ Sharing Status

Data in Ellipsis Drive can be shared with your audience by setting up the correct status on the layer or folder.

πŸ‘‰ Read more about sharing status here.

πŸ”“ Access

Using the access levels offered by Ellipsis Drive, you can invite other users and control the actions that the these users should be able to do on the shared data. There are different access levels that can be set.

A user that has been added to a path is called a member.

πŸ‘‰ Read more about access here

πŸ“ File System

For each account, Ellipsis Drive has 4 roots. My Drive, Shared With Me, Favorites, and Trash. These roots can contain folders, files and layers (all referred to as paths).


My Drive

My Drive root stores all paths are owned by a user

Shared With Me

In the Shared With Me root, a user can find all paths that are shared with them.


The Favorites root contains paths that have been favorited by the user.


Trash contains all removed paths owned by that user.


All paths that are publicly available are referred to as being in the public root

πŸ’½ Storage


Active Storage

ACTIVE storage makes your data available in the ED viewer as well as via the web services.

Passive Storage

Data in the PASSIVE storage is not available as an online map. To be able to access your data, you need to activate it.

🌏 Ellipsis App

The Ellipsis app has main locations defined in the table below.



Drive is the location that is used to manage the file structure. Users can organize folders and layers here.


These settings can be utilized to manage a layer.


This is used to inspect a layer or create view out of multiple layers


To search for content

Storage Dashboard

To manage/upgrade your storage space


To manage username, avatar, OAuth client etc.


To manage all your finances and payment options

❌ Removal

Paths in Ellipsis Drive can be removed in a reversible or irreversible manner.



Trash is an action where an item is removed in a reversible way


Delete is an action where an item is removed in an irreversible way

πŸ” Tokens

For all non public content and restricted actions authentication is needed. Within Ellipsis Drive there is three types of tokens to use for authentication. For a more detailed discussion on authorization see this article.


User token

A token obtained by login in, can be used for all user specific actions

Access token

A user can create a token for a set of paths to which he or she has sufficient access. This token can be used for action on the specific content.

OAuth token

An Oauth token can be generated to grant an application access to the Drive of a user.

Last updated

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