🏒Set up your organisation

πŸ‘‡Follow the steps below to set up your organization in Ellipsis Drive.

1️⃣ Create an organisation

πŸ’‘If you have not yet registered, let's get you signed up first!

πŸ’‘Go to Manage account, pick organizations in the side bar.

πŸ’‘ Create an organization and enter it.

2️⃣ Create a company folder in the root of your drive and add relevant colleagues

Do your colleagues not have an account yet? No problem! Just invite them by typing out their email address in the search box and hit INVITE. They will receive an email notification to join the folder and run through registration automatically. They will find the company folder in their 'Shared with me' tab.

3️⃣ Complete your company info

Go to MANAGE ACCOUNT to complete your organisation's profile with a: πŸ”² Logo πŸ“ Description πŸ”— Web Address Go to STORAGE to fill out your billing details and manage your plan

Last updated