
As a developer, you’re an applications mastermind. Ellipsis Drive helps you flexibly render vector and raster data at high performance into your own software with a few lines of code.

πŸ‘‡Here we list the guides and articles to run through in order to get the most out of Ellipsis Drive as your off-the-shelf backend and file server.

The basics

Quick start guide to familiarise yourself with Ellipsis Drive.

Beyond the basics!

Everything that can be done in the UI (and much more) can also be done via the API and Python (take some time to scroll through):

Full Python documentation: https://ellipsis-package.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Full API documentation: https://docs.ellipsis-drive.com/developers/api-v3

App integration

How to display Ellipsis Drive layers in your app. How to display Ellipsis Drive layers in third party software. How to connect Ellipsis Drive to your app.

Integration options for your stack/tools of choice

All packages can be found here: https://app.ellipsis-drive.com/integrate


Some Ellipsis Drive API calls require authorization. Authorization should be done with a bearer token. There are three types of tokens that you can read about here.

Some highlighted options: Leaflet: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/leaflet-package Mapbox GL: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/mapboxgljs-package React-Leaflet: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/react-leaflet-package MapLibre: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/mapboxgljs-package HTML (embedded window): https://docs.ellipsis-drive.com/integrate-with-ed/use-viewer-as-embedded-window ArcGIS API JS: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/arcgisjs-package Folium: https://github.com/ellipsis-drive/folium

Some practical developer and data science examples: https://medium.com/@daniel_819

Last updated

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